LIFE OR THE KNIFE? MobiPoetri A CHECKPOINT IN PALESTINE. THE ISRAELIS HAVE KEPT  EVERYTHING UNDER COMPLETE COLONIAL CONTROL. here are the links to my social media accounts: @freedevr (youtube) @mobilirix (Twitter/X) @modmobi86 (Facebook/Meta)  BONES The last remaining Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza have been suffering for far too long. Tortured by an apartheid regime, Israel doesn’t plan to ever stop its hateful treatment of the indigenous Muslims. Their terrible war crimes have continued since the 1948 Nakba, when the Polish holocaust survivors came in ships half naked, begging for asylum. How beggars turned out to be the Israel we see today is a sad irony. The Zionists may claim that the Palestinians weren’t even there, but we know that the dog bit the hand that fed it. The Palestinians' kindness was evilly taken advantage of, and the Jews murdered and pillaged the land, killing and raping them. The exodus occurred with over 700,000 fleeing from their homes to nearby lands. The IDF (Israeli Defence Force) are trained in sickening acts of war. They rape little boys and girls. They beat them mercilessly. They abuse, and they molest. This tactic is a way to show the Muslims that if they do anything, it’ll get way worse for them. The Ziobags seek to control and use the Muslims for the greater war. The war against Islam will happen soon. The Christians and the Jews of the world will join and try to erase us. But Muhammad (pbuh) knew that they will fail and Islam will prevail! Who do you hate? Is it fate? You know it's evil. Do you follow the devil? What are you waiting for? What makes you want more and more? For you, who knows what Allah has in store? Yet, he is the most merciful, For humanity is pitiful, For we are all sinful. The crashing thunder of his heart. As he watches them, it beats so very fast. He will sometimes want to tear it all apart. With such pain, does it start? An unforgettable past. They infected him with a poisoned dart. He will enact revenge at last. He will kill with precision and art. With the love of their lives, he will part.  Child of WAR The loss he fears. He does see it so clear. He will kill all that is too near. Allah He accepts. To him, he prays with reverence.  He will not deter. Whatever he is made to do, he does it sincere. He has dropped tear after tear. Heaven ushers. Their evils need to stop. They mock us with their soulless dance and hop. They will lose, and they will drop. Death will come to them painfully, for they’ve been hogging the devil’s shop. Islam will rise with their evil demise. We are forgiving and wise. Yet we can’t accept their sinister lies. So the last one cries and dies. They have size, but they’re one, none of these tries. HERE ARE LINKS TO ALL OF MY SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNELS!  Each channel has something different. I always seem to get suspended on twitter though. someone on that hates me a lot.  YOUTUBE X (TWITTER) TIKTOK FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM THREADS Rich old dudes want me dead    link takes you to YouTube I use poetry to cope with my feelings that can't be expressed verbally. You don’t know what is happening, evolved from what happened… Sometimes, when an action is repeatedly done to someone, that someone does the opposite with no ability to do the same. For example, if parents shout at you too much, you stop talking altogether. I have published four poetry and prose books on Amazon. It’s not about making money from it but informing those conditioned to hate and fear us. I hope to create an awareness regarding the most genuine religion on earth, Islam. I enjoy writing, even if the Western, conditioned people hate Islam, I hope that even a handful of people have their hearts opened from my work. Xenophobia and Islamophobia have been engrained and etched into their minds. Sadly, it's all made up!  A portion of the money made from sales will go to Palestine and Afghanistan, as these two places have suffered at the hands of the oppressors, who only seek to become God through mind control. MY LIFE When I look back to when I was young, I remember feeling lost and alone often, but I still tried to be there for my siblings even if it seemed that I wasn't. I never really knew what I wanted in life, but I loved every moment I have lived, thanks to Allah and the precious gift of life he gave to me. My life is very complicated, and only a few people understand me or begin to comprehend what drives me to be the way I am. I am reticent, and I'm not too fond of crowded areas with everyone chatting away together (sounds like a massive bee when I close my eyes). I have ups and downs like everyone else on this little planet far away. I feel connected to the Muslims of the world who suffer at the hands of the disbelievers. I can relate to their anguish and help, mainly with my heart and prayers. I am primarily empathetic with the Muslims of Palestine, for they have suffered severely at the hands of the Zionist disbelievers. REASON FOR WEBSITE You probably question as to what this website is truly for. Is it for money or clout?  I’m doing it for you—all the Muslims and non-Muslims. I want to open your eyes to the truth about us as Muslims and as fellow humans. We have been vilified since World War 1 in the early 1900s. It was a brutal and bloody war when guns were first used. When there’s nobody to blame, a Muslim did it. An extremist did it. Certain rulers need an enemy to feel good about themselves. A reason to hate and a reason to seem like the good guy, the hero everyone loves. What would Batman do if there was no Joker? Batman would suffer from depression. The villain is needed desperately. But making one only makes you more of a villain. Our villain is the forsaken Iblis (the devil).   The propaganda machine has done a number on people in the West, including the supposed Muslims that reside in these lands. When there is oppression happening in, say, Palestine, it's not bad, as is shown in the media, with them claiming it’s terrorists trying to behead 40 babies. We are the most peaceful people on earth, and we also believe way more than those other creeds, like Judaism or Christianity. We may feel vengeful, like they do in Palestine, suffering a cruel system of Israeli apartheid for 75 years since the 1948 Nakba (catastrophe), but we are taught that giving in to devilish desires would take us on the path of Satan—a hard path to change back from. So, we forgive and hope the oppressors may see it with open eyes of wonder and astonishment. War after war. I don't know if I can feel for them any more. I feel empty when it comes to the atrocities committed by the Israelis in Gaza. Things that would mortify others don’t even make me feel sad. There's an emptiness and a need to do what I must for them. No matter how small, I keep trying to help them with my words. If only poetic words could change a tyrant into a Muslim. Words aren’t as powerful as the bombs they are dropping on sleeping children. My YouTube Channel with thousands of videos! I have parkinsons disease and im forgetting myself. the tremors are extremely painful. if there are experiments happening with certain drugs or tech then im up for it as long as i feel better and get to live my life without this pain. due to having schizophrenia and recently discovered PTSD ive been on almost every anti psychotic medication, that obviously caused this incurable disease. Musk or whoever else in this world, "can you make me better?"  USE ME FOR HUMANITY AND HELP ME HAVE A NORMAL HUMAN LIFE My Email HOME  GAZA    STORE    BLOG    VIDEOS    GALLERY    ABOUT Give me a like, share or follow. email is good too!