BONESThe last remaining Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza have been suffering for far too long. Tortured by an apartheid regime, Israel doesn’t plan to ever stop its hateful treatment of the indigenous Muslims. Their terrible war crimes have continued since the 1948 Nakba, when the Polish holocaust survivors came in ships half naked, begging for asylum. How beggars turned out to be the Israel we see today is a sad irony. The Zionists may claim that the Palestinians weren’t even there, but we know that the dog bit the hand that fed it. The Palestinians' kindness was evilly taken advantage of, and the Jews murdered and pillaged the land, killing and raping them. The exodus occurred with over 700,000 fleeing from their homes to nearby lands.The IDF (Israeli Defence Force) are trained in sickening acts of war. They rape little boys and girls. They beat them mercilessly. They abuse, and they molest. This tactic is a way to show the Muslims that if they do anything, it’ll get way worse for them. The Ziobags seek to control and use the Muslims for the greater war. The war against Islam will happen soon. The Christians and the Jews of the world will join and try to erase us. But Muhammad (pbuh) knew that they will fail and Islam will prevail!
Who do you hate?Is it fate?You know it's evil.Do you follow the devil?What are you waiting for?What makes you want more and more?For you, who knows what Allah has in store?Yet, he is the most merciful,For humanity is pitiful,For we are all sinful.
The crashing thunder of his heart. As he watches them, it beats so very fast. He will sometimes want to tear it all apart. With such pain, does it start? An unforgettable past. They infected him with a poisoned dart. He will enact revenge at last. He will kill with precision and art. With the love of their lives,he will part.Child of WARThe loss he fears. He does see it so clear. He will kill all that is too near. Allah He accepts. To him, he prays with reverence. He will not deter. Whatever he is made to do, he does it sincere. He has dropped tear after tear. Heaven ushers. Their evils need to stop. They mock us with their soulless dance and hop. They will lose, and they will drop. Death will come to them painfully, for they’ve been hogging the devil’s shop. Islam will rise with their evil demise. We are forgiving and wise. Yet we can’t accept their sinister lies. So the last one cries and dies. They have size, but they’re one, none of these tries.
HERE ARE LINKS TO ALL OF MY SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNELS! Each channel has something different. I always seem to get suspended on twitter though. someone on that hates me a lot.YOUTUBEX (TWITTER)TIKTOKFACEBOOKINSTAGRAMTHREADS
I use poetry to cope with my feelings that can't be expressed verbally. You don’t know what is happening, evolved from what happened… Sometimes, when an action is repeatedly done to someone, that someone does the opposite with no ability to do the same. For example, if parents shout at you too much, you stop talking altogether.I have published four poetry and prose books on Amazon. It’s not about making money from it but informing those conditioned to hate and fear us. I hope to create an awareness regarding the most genuine religion on earth, Islam. I enjoy writing, even if the Western, conditioned people hate Islam, I hope that even a handful of people have their hearts opened from my work.Xenophobia and Islamophobia have been engrained and etched into their minds. Sadly, it's all made up! A portion of the money made from sales will go to Palestine and Afghanistan, as these two places have suffered at the hands of the oppressors, who only seek to become God through mind control.
MY LIFEWhenIlookbacktowhenIwasyoung,Irememberfeelinglostandalone often,butIstilltriedtobethereformysiblingsevenifitseemedthatI wasn't.IneverreallyknewwhatIwantedinlife,butIlovedeverymoment Ihavelived,thankstoAllahandthepreciousgiftoflifehegavetome.My lifeisverycomplicated,andonlyafewpeopleunderstandmeorbeginto comprehendwhatdrivesmetobethewayIam.Iamreticent,andI'mnot toofondofcrowdedareaswitheveryonechattingawaytogether(sounds likeamassivebeewhenIclosemyeyes).Ihaveupsanddownslike everyoneelseonthislittleplanetfaraway.IfeelconnectedtotheMuslims oftheworldwhosufferatthehandsofthedisbelievers.Icanrelatetotheir anguishandhelp,mainlywithmyheartandprayers.Iamprimarily empatheticwiththeMuslimsofPalestine,fortheyhavesufferedseverelyat the hands of the Zionist disbelievers.
REASON FOR WEBSITEYouprobablyquestionastowhatthiswebsiteistrulyfor.Isitformoney or clout?I’mdoingitforyou—alltheMuslimsandnon-Muslims.Iwanttoopenyour eyestothetruthaboutusasMuslimsandasfellowhumans.Wehave beenvilifiedsinceWorldWar1intheearly1900s.Itwasabrutaland bloodywarwhengunswerefirstused.Whenthere’snobodytoblame,a Muslimdidit.Anextremistdidit.Certainrulersneedanenemytofeel goodaboutthemselves.Areasontohateandareasontoseemlikethe goodguy,theheroeveryoneloves.WhatwouldBatmandoiftherewasno Joker?Batmanwouldsufferfromdepression.Thevillainisneeded desperately.Butmakingoneonlymakesyoumoreofavillain.Ourvillain is the forsaken Iblis (the devil). ThepropagandamachinehasdoneanumberonpeopleintheWest, includingthesupposedMuslimsthatresideintheselands.Whenthereis oppressionhappeningin,say,Palestine,it'snotbad,asisshowninthe media,withthemclaimingit’sterroriststryingtobehead40babies.We arethemostpeacefulpeopleonearth,andwealsobelievewaymorethan thoseothercreeds,likeJudaismorChristianity.Wemayfeelvengeful,like theydoinPalestine,sufferingacruelsystemofIsraeliapartheidfor75 yearssincethe1948Nakba(catastrophe),butwearetaughtthatgivingin todevilishdesireswouldtakeusonthepathofSatan—ahardpathto changebackfrom.So,weforgiveandhopetheoppressorsmayseeitwith open eyes of wonder and astonishment.
Over 30,000 Palestinian civilians have now been killed in Gaza. It is by far the worst and most inhumane attack on the native Muslims yet. The Zionist Israelis want all of Palestine and will never get it. The Muslims of the world are getting ready to converge on these racist and unnatural jews. Egypt and Yemen have started to show them that this war is more significant than just within the land of Palestine. We, as Muslims, won’t stop until we’ve won, till Masjid al Aqsa is free and open to the Muslims of the world for prayers and visits. Al Aqsa is the third most holy site in Islam, we won’t let it fall entirely into the hands of the refuted Jews, who are denounced by the faithful Jews, residing as the few Palestinians, treated very brutally by apartheid Israel. The Torah tells the Jews that they will have a homeland when their messiah arrives; until then, they’re homeless.
HUMANITYOf sin, we are susceptible.Drawn in from the sea,to survive, the fish is incapable.Truths to find, is a long journey.We are all such sinners,beggars on the streets while the fat man eats,when are we winners?When for a penny, the poor man licks his feet.Dark realities we harbour,so we close our eyes,and then we forget and continue to seek pleasure.We are blind and lost in futile lies.To live, he's clad in armour. Still, this giant warrior dies.The oppressor cannot control his anger; holding her mother's cold, limp hand, the child cries,Warhasravagedouroncepeacefullands.Wecan'texpectto reachhighergoals,fortheymentallyscaruswiththesheer capacityfordeathanddestruction.Thedisbelieversgetricher whileweMuslimsgetpoorer.WealthisatoolofSatan.It seducesandhypnotiseshumankindtoloveitmorethantheir parents,wivesandchildren'sfleshandblood.Whenaloss occursduetothem,themadnessgetsreleased,anditisquite obvious who or what matters more to the rich men of humanity.
I use poetry to cope with my feelings that can't be expressed verbally. You don’t know what is happening, evolved from what happened… Sometimes, when an action is repeatedly done to someone, that someone does the opposite with no ability to do the same. For example, if parents shout at you too much, you stop talking altogether.I have published four poetry and prose books on Amazon. It’s not about making money from it but informing those conditioned to hate and fear us. I hope to create an awareness regarding the most genuine religion on earth, Islam. I enjoy writing, even if the Western, conditioned people hate Islam, I hope that even a handful of people have their hearts opened from my work.Xenophobia and Islamophobia have been engrained and etched into their minds. Sadly, it's all made up! A portion of the money made from sales will go to Palestine and Afghanistan, as these two places have suffered at the hands of the oppressors, who only seek to become God through mind control.
HERE ARE LINKS TO ALL OF MY SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNELS! Each channel has something different. I always seem to get suspended on twitter though. someone on that hates me a lot.YOUTUBEX (TWITTER)TIKTOKFACEBOOKINSTAGRAMTHREADS
MY LIFEWhenIlookbacktowhenIwasyoung,Irememberfeelinglostand aloneoften,butIstilltriedtobethereformysiblingsevenifit seemedthatIwasn't.IneverreallyknewwhatIwantedinlife,butI lovedeverymomentIhavelived,thankstoAllahandtheprecious giftoflifehegavetome.Mylifeisverycomplicated,andonlyafew peopleunderstandmeorbegintocomprehendwhatdrivesmetobe thewayIam.Iamreticent,andI'mnottoofondofcrowdedareas witheveryonechattingawaytogether(soundslikeamassivebee whenIclosemyeyes).Ihaveupsanddownslikeeveryoneelseon thislittleplanetfaraway.IfeelconnectedtotheMuslimsoftheworld whosufferatthehandsofthedisbelievers.Icanrelatetotheir anguishandhelp,mainlywithmyheartandprayers.Iamprimarily empatheticwiththeMuslimsofPalestine,fortheyhavesuffered severely at the hands of the Zionist disbelievers.
REASON FOR WEBSITEYouprobablyquestionastowhatthiswebsiteistruly for. Is it for money or clout?I’mdoingitforyou—alltheMuslimsandnon-Muslims.Iwanttoopenyoureyestothetruthabout usasMuslimsandasfellowhumans.Wehavebeen vilifiedsinceWorldWar1intheearly1900s.Itwasa brutalandbloodywarwhengunswerefirstused. Whenthere’snobodytoblame,aMuslimdidit.An extremistdidit.Certainrulersneedanenemytofeel goodaboutthemselves.Areasontohateanda reasontoseemlikethegoodguy,theheroeveryone loves.WhatwouldBatmandoiftherewasnoJoker? Batmanwouldsufferfromdepression.Thevillainis neededdesperately.Butmakingoneonlymakesyou moreofavillain.OurvillainistheforsakenIblis(the devil). Thepropagandamachinehasdoneanumberon peopleintheWest,includingthesupposedMuslims thatresideintheselands.Whenthereisoppression happeningin,say,Palestine,it'snotbad,asisshown inthemedia,withthemclaimingit’sterroriststrying tobehead40babies.Wearethemostpeaceful peopleonearth,andwealsobelievewaymorethan thoseothercreeds,likeJudaismorChristianity.We mayfeelvengeful,liketheydoinPalestine,suffering acruelsystemofIsraeliapartheidfor75yearssince the1948Nakba(catastrophe),butwearetaught thatgivingintodevilishdesireswouldtakeusonthe pathofSatan—ahardpathtochangebackfrom.So, weforgiveandhopetheoppressorsmayseeitwith open eyes of wonder and astonishment.