Excerpt from my second volume of ‘Bridge of Wings.’ SEE THE SEA A thought, a thing, begins to grow in me. Like a tree, with a lock and key. Memories have faded, my mind seems raided, through the flood I’ve waded, I know where I’m headed. Can anything stop me, if Allah wants me free? I’m headed to 2 wonderful cities, praying for his pity. To fill what became alone, alien and empty. The rivers of our faith may look different to each other, but like all things they end up in the same destination. Brother and sister, some get there faster, to the future, some sluggish, slower. May we all be free, one day we’ll all be together and swim in the massive, welcoming sea of peace and love.
GUIDANCE When our prophet Muhammad (pbuh) prayed for guidance consistently in the cave, there was obvious chaos and pain in his land. Newborn girls were being buried alive, and idolatry was rampant. He knew there must come help from the true god, Allah, and there was! The angel Jibrail appeared before him and told him to read. He told him that he could not read and what it was that Jibrail wanted him to read. So, the surah Al-Alaq was revealed to Muhammad (pbuh), our final prophet. Over time, the whole Quran was revealed to him. The greatest and perfected book, protected by Allah from any form of tampering. The masterpiece of the Arabic language. Allah challenges mankind to come up with a surah, or even a verse like it, and clearly tells us that we will never be able to.
BREATHING the cold and icy touch of death, exhale, does the man, one last time one last breath is all it took to die. his soul leaves the body, returning to Allah, the one. Amidst the frosty embrace of demise,  The man exhales his final cry or sigh, his soul now freed from earthly ties, Returning to the realm where sits Allah the Most High.  those who loved this fleeting world, forget how they were born, small and miraculous, crying and curled from him, the future may spawn. created from a drop, like a glowing pearl  The dawn may not be a bright morn, but a judgement of which many will mourn. the fated Day remembering once when they never did pray
We all suffer in one way or another. there are those we see suffering and those we don’t. most of the Muslims who are in pain, we don’t witness or ever meet in this life. It would create pity in the oppressed and an elevated and popular social standing. you would become publicised, making you feel special and greater than the others who seem to be in less pain, but Iblis (devil) isn’t great; Allah is. He alone can purify our intentions. Pride affects the best of us, especially when we are on the path of Islam. If you're good at something, never look down on others who aren't. instead, help them do and become better.
Throughout history, we, as Muslims, have faced much persecution by disbelievers. They love to blame us for everything. If a Christian did it, it was the Muslims, just like Hitler. I find that they don’t talk about the Germans but the Muslims. Even Netanyahu says it was an imam who convinced Hitler to wipe out the Polish Jews. Their lies are so crazy and repeated that even an intellectual would believe them. Currently, the second generation of these Polish Jews are oppressing the Palestinians while speaking a language that was almost lost (Hebrew).
COMMUNICATING When I was a child, I never spoke much. My parents were constantly fretting about me, worrying that I had some disability. I do get a blocked throat sometimes when I talk. I don't know if I'm partially mute. I'm definitely not deaf (you must be deaf to be a mute). I often find it difficult to speak, finding it hard to get the words out. If I talk speedily, I start to stammer or stutter. People tend not to have the ability to get socially close to me as I'm always quiet and prefer not to bear responsibilities I don't trust myself with. There is a communication barrier that I've learnt never to cross. It is not like I'm a book of secrets, but I am more anxious to show emotions verbally. My language instinct never adapted and grew. I love to write, however, and social media is where I usually do all my 'talking'. Poetry and Prose literature also mean a lot to me, and I love sharing my work to inspire and teach others about my beliefs and purpose in this very short lifetime of mine. When I write, I feel like someone else, like Harry Potter, in one world and another. In a way, I demonised myself by demonising others. It's not like I wouldn't say I liked others, but I didn't like being around others. So, when I'm feeling excellent and pleasant, I get ignored, which hurts as it should.
Trickles Like the rain, the pain trickles down your mountain, mocked by the other trickles that have grown and rushed down theirs, multiplying. With such effort and endurance, the little trickle calls its fellows to grow and be a majestic wave crashing down the mountain, absorbing all of those little trickles that once mocked and belittled him. The oppressive rivers no longer pose a mortal challenge, and the crushing river returns to the encompassing sea, which he knew was once his home. His collective memory becomes a glorious sight and sound throughout his journeys from sea to river and back again.
there will be a single blast and their eyes will open. they will say, “woe to us, this is the day of reckoning” - Qur’an 37:19
Standing Almost like bullets, the rain hopelessly hits your windows. The storm is practically telling you to stop because it hurts. In our homes, we are safe from the wet, damp weather. Many plants will have the water they need to survive. Tap water seems fresh enough for us. As the puddles form on the concrete, you wonder why plants never truly grow on the roads. The smell of burning tar fills your mind. You spotted the odd weeds growing at the corners of your house. How is this fair? The plants are barely surviving. Bearly. The child inside you wants to be human and run about in the cold, wet rain, letting the rain shoot you till you're dry no more. You've been in trouble before as you fell ill from getting soaked, but why not?
when the last hour arrives; on that day they will be judged: those who believed and did good deeds will rejoice in the garden, and those who denied the truth and belied our signs and the meeting of the hereafter will be brought torment. Qur’an 30:14