when there is much pain we witness, making us pure and sinless, we know this isn’t a place of happiness. pain, here, is of great essence.it makes us cry and pray, making it known that Islam has a great presence
EXCERPT FROM MY FIRST BOOK, PUBLISHED. BRIDGE OF WINGSWhy?All your actionsStart with an intentionLike when you look at your complexionIn a twisted reflectionSelf-affectionDo you feel narcissism?Or do you want to be a better person?Is your appearance a reason why you get affection?SuppositionIt's like a decision, upside down, or an incisionIt could leave your future, bright or full of affliction.Sometimes they use an intricate magicianThat makes your life a devilish complicationCursing you with evil precision.Satan’s rasping desperationYour heart is left empty, like an incarcerationWhatever you say or do is in deletionBut invention!RepletionSo, there's little completionIt's always hard to talk when no one listensNo communication
BULLYWhenIwasyoung,Iwasbullied.I'venevertalkedaboutit,butitcouldhavebeen better.Thiskidwhogotexpelledfromadifferentschoolwasallowedtolearninmine. Theboywastrouble,andIknewit.BecauseIwasquiet,theotherkidsthoughtIwas strange.Friendscouldhavehelped,butthosewerenotreallyfriendsastheychose thesidethathadmorepeoplethanhelpedmeoutduetoasadformofpeer pressure.Traitors,andtheynevertrulygotasinglewordoutofmewhenIwaspretty happy to be at school, away from the screaming and shouting at home.So,Isaidsomethingtothisbully.Iwasn'texpectingit,buthetrippedmeandsaton topofme,punchingmyheadintotheground.Icried,butIgotmyrevengeeventually. My so-called friends just stood and watched.Afewweeksofbeingtoldwhattodoandfearingwalkinghomefromschool.The Pakistaniboysaidsomethingvileandracist.Meandmyfriendsjumpedthose Pakistanis.Astheboywaslimpingoff,Ipunchedhimveryhardonthebackofhis head. He got unconscious.Afewyearslater,hediedduetoabraintumour.Wasitmyfault?Idon'tknow...I've partially lived with this guilt, even if that fight had nothing to do with it.Theyalmostexpelledmethistime,butwritingaboutwhyIdidwhatIdidkeptme safe from being thrown out of school. I tried not to get into fights after that.Idecidedtolearnmartialartsforself-defenceasbullieslikedsinglingmeoutdueto myquietness.IchoseJeetKuneDo(JKD).Ihadafewfightsatsecondaryschool,and Allthecaucasianandblackkidsclassedmeasthebully.Theywereallterrifiedofme. I put this one guy to sleep for picking on the Muslim sisters of my school.
The Jinn, SatanMany of us Muslims fear the fiery Jinn, created perfectly from smokeless fire. Not all of them are devils though. The Jinn too, are being tested with loss and despair to make the all-seeing Allah, see if they turn to him with love, regret and fear. They have been on earth the longest, having rights and claim to it more than us. They’re being punished for so much bloodshed, with the presence of Satan in their race. Before humanity, the Jinn killed one another, mercilessly, heartlessly. The pain we suffer here on earth is the likeness of a man walking around in a graveyard, only to dig his own grave and bury himself alive. The effect of the pain the Jinn committed is in the air, land and sea. Pain is a way to purify a person. When we sin, we are blamed, and we blame ourselves for we know it was evil. We then seek forgiveness as Allah is the one who may forgive us. Others can’t, and others don’t truly know or contemplate on Allah’s plans and tests. Would we tell a man, or would we tell Allah? We need Allah, for he is far beyond humanity. It gives us peace to believe, and it gives us comfort and hope in the throes of death. Paradise is next for us, if Allah wills. (InshaAllah)
(excerpt ‘flight of souls, Vol. 1’)
Death is inevitable, to know how is impossible, continue for as long as you’re able. A bird may find a seed, or on her a cat may feed, all things have a hunger, a need. We are searching, a thing worth believing, someone knows, he is watching. We feel broken and torn, but a fearless lion is born, to him we’re sworn. The pain on earth teaches, pulling us to higher reaches, he will give to you of his riches for he always watches. Clasp onto the hand of hope, grab and climb heavens rope, he will help you cope. Many things are to be feared, once fear of death has cleared, to Allah you’ll be drawn near.
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COWARDSThe load is seemingly far too heavy,But you have the strength; you can lift it,You will smile again and be free to be happy,soon they'll be irreparably hit,We are the few and the many,While on charity, the zios, fat and ugly, sit,They don't own a single penny, interestingly,for the giving hand, they bit in a mad deceptive fit,At them, the world spits. (a short poem from my 5th book I am currently writing)
FREEDOMWhen a wolf howls,when the racist scowls,we don’t sleep like owls.They kill with no heart,our resistance sets us apart,another day for Earth to start.Their eyes are callously cold,her child’s hand she tightly holds,she knows they don’t have good souls.
BULLYWhenIwasyoung,Iwasbullied.I'venevertalkedaboutit,butitcould havebeenbetter.Thiskidwhogotexpelledfromadifferentschoolwas allowedtolearninmine.Theboywastrouble,andIknewit.BecauseI wasquiet,theotherkidsthoughtIwasstrange.Friendscouldhave helped,butthosewerenotreallyfriendsastheychosethesidethathad morepeoplethanhelpedmeoutduetoasadformofpeerpressure. Traitors,andtheynevertrulygotasinglewordoutofmewhenIwas prettyhappytobeatschool,awayfromthescreamingandshoutingat home.So,Isaidsomethingtothisbully.Iwasn'texpectingit,buthetrippedme andsatontopofme,punchingmyheadintotheground.Icried,butI got my revenge eventually. My so-called friends just stood and watched.Afewweeksofbeingtoldwhattodoandfearingwalkinghomefrom school.ThePakistaniboysaidsomethingvileandracist.Meandmy friendsjumpedthosePakistanis.Astheboywaslimpingoff,Ipunched him very hard on the back of his head. He got unconscious.Afewyearslater,hediedduetoabraintumour.Wasitmyfault?Idon't know...I'vepartiallylivedwiththisguilt,evenifthatfighthadnothingto do with it.Theyalmostexpelledmethistime,butwritingaboutwhyIdidwhatIdid keptmesafefrombeingthrownoutofschool.Itriednottogetinto fights after that.Idecidedtolearnmartialartsforself-defenceasbullieslikedsinglingme outduetomyquietness.IchoseJeetKuneDo(JKD).Ihadafewfightsat secondaryschool,andAlltheCaucasianandblackkidsclassedmeas thebully(IwasaherototheMuslimkids).Theywereallterrifiedofme.I put this one guy to sleep for picking on the Muslim sisters of my school.
(excerpt ‘flight of souls, Vol. 1’)
Death is inevitable, to know how is impossible, continue for as long as you’re able. A bird may find a seed, or on her a cat may feed, all things have a hunger, a need. We are searching, a thing worth believing, someone knows, he is watching. We feel broken and torn, but a fearless lion is born, to him we’re sworn. The pain on earth teaches, pulling us to higher reaches, he will give to you of his riches for he always watches. Clasp onto the hand of hope, grab and climb heavens rope, he will help you cope. Many things are to be feared, once fear of death has cleared, to Allah you’ll be drawn near.
The Jinn, Iblis (Satan)Many of us Muslims fear the fiery Jinn, created perfectly from smokeless fire. Not all of them are devils though. The Jinn too, are being tested with loss and despair to make the all-seeing Allah, see if they turn to him with love, regret and fear. They have been on earth the longest, having rights and claim to it more than us. They’re being punished for so much bloodshed, with the presence of Satan in their race. Before humanity, the Jinn killed one another, mercilessly, heartlessly. The pain we suffer here on earth is the likeness of a man walking around in a graveyard, only to dig his own grave and bury himself alive. The effect of the pain the Jinn committed is in the air, land and sea. Pain is a way to purify a person. When we sin, we are blamed, and we blame ourselves for we know it was evil. We then seek forgiveness as Allah is the one who may forgive us. Others can’t, and others don’t truly know or contemplate on Allah’s plans and tests. Would we tell a man, or would we tell Allah? We need Allah, for he is far beyond humanity. It gives us peace to believe, and it gives us comfort and hope in the throes of death. Paradise is next for us, if Allah wills. (InshaAllah)
COWARDSThe load is seemingly far too heavy,But you have the strength; you can lift it,You will smile again and be free to be happy,soon they'll be irreparably hit,We are the few and the many,While on charity, the zios, fat and ugly, sit,They don't own a single penny, interestingly,for the giving hand, they bit in a mad deceptive fit,At them, the world spits. (a short poem from my 5th book I am currently writing)