LIGHT AFTER RAINThe light I’m seeking seems very far. I don’t know my purpose in this short life. I know that I’m a Muslim, and I Believe much about Allah’s final revelation to Muhammad (pbuh), but there's a piece of me missing. It’s vital for my life, but it has diminished and faded. I rarely smile, and the weight of the plight of the Palestinians is far too heavy to carry on my own. Yet, I do. This road I am walking is only meant for me. That much I know… It could be a trauma as a child while growing up. Something that I can hardly remember has had a lasting effect on my life, relationships and work. I found that when I feel low, I write poetry and work on my published books. The pain I’ve endured has taken its toll, and due to feeling helpless and hopeless, I get angry sometimes. Anger seems to be something I can feel when the pain gets triggered. It’s difficult to maintain positivity when the world seems so cruel and dark to me most of the time. Yet pain is a thing that guides us to seek happiness. If we never knew suffering, we would never yearn for joy. Allah tells us to endure the pain of this temporary world, and we will be greatly rewarded in the afterlife. I need to hold onto this like I always do.
Revelation in the CaveWhen our prophet Muhammad (pbuh) prayed for guidance consistently in the cave, there was obvious chaos and pain in his land. Newborn girls were being buried alive, and idolatry was rampant. He knew there must come help from the true god, Allah, and there was! The angel Jibrail appeared before him and told him to read. He told him that he could not read and what it was that Jibrail wanted him to read. So, the surah Al-Alaq was revealed to Muhammad (pbuh), our final prophet. Over time, the whole Quran was revealed to him. The greatest and perfected book, protected by Allah from any form of tampering. The masterpiece of the Arabic language. Allah challenges mankind to come up with a Surah, or even a verse like it, and clearly tells us that we will never be able to.
TRYA desperate mutter in your heart,you know you must be free; you must leave,with this place of death, you must part,yet the weight is too much to heave.Trapped, your days end, and they start; the oppressor in your life does weave.If you smile, it'll be a poison dart.their cruelty is written in the pages of history,an evil, twisted enemy.They crush babies, laughing joyously.They care hypocritically,for they're a product of hateful insanity.
LONELY yet HAPPYI was an extremely quiet child. I was very naughty, however. I never truly wanted to talk and socialise with family and friends. At some point in a forgotten memory, I felt rejected and neglected. Thinking about this pain that may or may not have happened hurts my heart deeply. It feels like a hole has just been made in it. I remember feeling left out in many things my elder siblings did. I adapted and chose to do everything alone. I chose Islam alone, and I went mad alone. people don’t matter, maybe not as much as they should, but being alone is etched into the fabric of my life. I know that I am very different to them. I feel like no one understands my emotions and personality. maybe I'm from outer space, a planet long gone. It can be true, look at those tiny suns scattered in the night sky. We aren't alone.
The richest man on earth was invited to check the blood bath of October the 7th. There was little. For some reason, he complied with their demands…
Stars Afar
The days turn to night,Black compared to white.To a glimmer in the night sky, I want to take flight,For, here, there’s much pain and spite.When darkness covers me, I search for a light,Something was never right,But with a new day, it turns fright into the bright.
WHAT ARE THEY?Atheists seem to know that we humans only live once, with our children as the only connection to Earth after death. How can anyone ever smile if they think this is a fact? Complete death would be unbearable to think about. Losing a mother or father would break a person with the worst anguish, severe to comprehend. Yet, Iblis whispers in my heart, telling me I can do anything I like without judgment after death.I'm glad to have been born into Islam, and I'm so happy that many disbelievers are becoming Muslims so that this pain isn't felt by them when they die. Allah chooses those he prioritises to be Muslim, great or lesser. We all have various tests at many difficulty levels and circumstances. "Allah maltreats no soul."
COLLAPSINGMyfamilyhasalwaysmeanttheworldtome.I,however,wasn't aroundmuch.It'snotthatIwouldn't,butIcouldn't.Weallhaveour spaceinourmysteriousminds,andIwasinmyheadoften.Iknow thatwearelivingindarktimes.Thesetimesarebecomingalmost impossibleforaMuslimwhoseeksthepleasureofAllah,abstaining from sin as much as humanely possible.Withmymentalbreakandmylifeflippingupsidedown,Ifoundit almostimpossibletobecometheMuslimIoncewas.Ifeelweakand brokenwhenIrecollectmylapseintoinsanity.Apaininmyheart oftenoccurswhenItrytodosomethingatypicalMuslimwoulddo, likerecitingtheQur'anorprayingonJummahonFriday.Thevoicesin myheaddon'tacceptit.Theywantmetobedocileandobedientto the whims of Iblis (Satan).There'saviralsicknessinmymind,andthisdiseaseisn'tvisible.It wantstousemewhilekeepingmealiveonthethinthreadI'm clingingonto.There'smymind,thenthere'sanotherinmybrain.The viralmindseekstoconsumemineandexistwithoutme,whichresults inapainfulpsychosiswhereIseemostpeopleasenemies,andIcan't sleepwithmyeyesbulgingwithextremeagony.Mybrain overcompensates,andthemindvirusisallowedtoexist,foritsvoices are relatively friendly.
A NEW TYPE OF WARWith World War 3 imminent, what must we do to stop Israel from dragging the West into their Islamophobic war against the Palestinians? To stop violence, we must use words to calm these Jews' trauma and psychosis. They think no one cares for them and decide to cause the most pain and the most deaths they possibly can to show us what Hitler did to them in the Polish holocaust. The former victim turned out to be a villain. Their flagrant disregard for human life is probably based on PTSD that was carried to them by their grandparents. They mentally and physically passed the pain to their children and their children. Now, these aberrations of war are proudly copying the cruel tactics of war when once they hated it because they were the prejudiced minority. Now that they have the West around their little finger, they think they can do the same. This cruelty started when World War II ended, with most of the German girls being raped and forced to give birth to these premature children.They use so many Nazi tactics in their wars against the religion of peace, Islam. The German Nazis probably used the Zionist war methods by learning from the Jews, who loved writing about how evil people could become. During World War II, the Palestinians housed the refugees who seemed to respect their kindness, learning their ways with vigour. Then, when night fell, they hit the books and wrote about how much they hated the Muslims caring for Masjid-al-Aqsa.
BrokenYouneverreallyknowwhenthingswillchange.WhileIwasgrowingup, therewasajoythatdidn'tlast.Youdon'ttrulyvaluewhatyouhaveuntil youloseit.Myfatherwasveryreligious,andhelovedmeagreatdeal whenIwasyoungandslowlybegantounderstandthisvastworld.I'dgo everywhere with him, and I didn't initially fear him. Wheneverhe'dcomehomefromtheMasjid,he'dcallforme,butafterthat event,I'dnotgotohimforthepossiblesweetshebought.Hepassedaway threeyearsago,andIimaginehimcominghomeandtellingmetoread thisorthatdua(prayer)togettosleeporbecauseIhadaheadache.He wasgoodatremovingtheevil,enviouseyefromuswithwaterthathe'd blow on with specific duas.Slowly,hegotangrierandangrier,andnothingwouldcalmhimotherthan time.Thefearresonatingbetweenuswashigh;somejustwantedtorun awayandneverreturn.Somedid,andthatpillarIneededfell,leaving otherpillarsstrainingduetotheweightofit,theunacceptablesituation with no way out.Ourfamilywasfarfromnormal,andwefoundithardtocopeathomeand atschool.Eventhoughschoolwasawaytonotbeathome,the weaknesseswehadathomemanifestedthere.Bulliesfoundustobe straightforwardtargets.Eventhoughweweregoodtargets,therewasa strength they didn't expect: we were good at holding grudges.
don’t let their wealth and their children dazzle you. Allah only wants to punish them through these things in this world, letting their souls depart while they deny the truth. Qur’an 9:85 (surah tawbah)
JihadThey have made the word 'Jihad' taboo. They hear this word from a Muslim believer, and the cops come knocking at your door for suspected terrorist behaviour. Jihad isn't even What you think it is. Wars don't regularly happen, and while it doesn't, a Muslim wages a jihad with himself. It's a war against sin and a war against Iblis. This is the most excellent Jihad, for it perfects a Muslim as a human, not his military ability. Once a person is waging the Jihad with himself, a military war may occur, and to protect his faith and his Muslim brethren, he picks up arms and fights. One who only fights for Allah and hopes for paradise will be significantly rewarded. If he dies, Allah, the most merciful, will forgive all of his sins. We, as Muslims, are believers in the one true god, Allah and his final messenger, Muhammad (pbuh). Islam is the religion of peace, and we are never allowed to raid and oppress other countries. Only if we are threatened with death and oppression do we fight for our victory and spread Islam accordingly.
FRIENDS AND MADRASAAt16,afterIdidwellinEnglishandreligiousstudiesandpoorlyin mymathsandscienceGCSEs(notproudordisappointed,asitwas conditioning,notlove),Iwentstraighttoamadrasa(Islamiccollege). IwasattheageofdoingwhatIwantedwithoutsecularism breathingdownmyneck,makingmyhairstandonend.Ibecamea seekerofIslamicknowledge.Unlikemanyclassmateswhowere forcedtogotoIslamicschoolsduetogettinguptounislamic troublewithnon-muslimgirls,Ichosetogo,anditwasthegreatest ofallmychoices.IsoughtthetruthofmyexistenceandwhatAllah wantsofme.Myoldfriendswouldneverunderstandsuchreasons for answers to the biggest question, "What is the meaning of life?"Itwasdifficulttoloseallmyfriends,who,tothisday,resentmefor leavingthemwithoutawordofgoodbye.ItwouldhurtmoreifI showedthatIcaredformyhomies.So,Ivilifiedmyselfintheireyes. Idoitoftenwhenbondsdon'tbreakeasily.Theyprobablyhadmany nicknamesforme,fullofhate.Somegoodbyeshurtmorethan others.Theyblameme,notknowingitwasmyintentiontobe hated.